Empirical Astrology Western Sidereal Astrology
Tropical Sidereal TweedleDum TweedleDee

A Confusion of Zodiacs

The disagreement between aynamsas (and zodiacs) is complicated by the fact that each one is anchored to a different origin which modifies the initial point of the zodiac. Is any one ayanamsa/zodiac truly the correct one?

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Milky Way - NASA-JPL-Caltech-R. Hurt-(SSCCaltech)-ssc2008-10b1

Galactic Center Ayanamsa

Perhaps the Galactic Center is a uniform anchoring point for Western astrology, the one that Western and Jyotisha astrologers are most familiar with, as all major celestial bodies, celestial phenomenon and solar systems orbit it.

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Alice discovering the small door - John Tenniel 1865

The Inner Essence of Astrology

In a natal horoscope, the entire symbolic framework represents the intrinsic characteristics, intentions and attributes of a unique, individual human being… you, and you are your entire horoscope, not just your sun sign.

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Hæmisphærium Stellatum Australe Antiquum - Harmonia Macrocosmica - Andreas Cellarius 1660

Sun Signs, Planets and Houses

The Sun, indicates the primary focus for being human, the Moon and planets are the symbolic representations of a person. They are the core of a horoscope. Zodiac signs only add modifications to them.

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Constellation Taurus

Cyril Fagan On Taurus

Assuming that Aldebaran, in the mathematical center of the constellation Taurus, was the original and authentic determinant of the sidereal zodiac, then theoretically, the Taurean Age began in April 4152 B.C.

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Ptolemy Zodiac

Nicholas Campion on Ancient Astrology

In this sense, astrology may be seen as the modern world may see astrology: as a form of what Lucien Lévi-Bruhl (1926) called ‘participation mystique’ in which time and space were conceived of as a single entity…

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